Photographs from a few days around Galway, Cliffs of Moher, Burren, and Connemara in Spring 2018.
Washington DC
Eindrücke entlang der National Mall in Washington DCI. // Impressions along the National Mall during a one-day trip to Washington DC following a nearby conference.
Lago Maggiore
Photographs from Verbania, Canobio, and Cannero along the west coast of Lago Maggiore
Seifenblasen-Flashmob in Frankkfurt // Soap Bubble-Flashmob in Frankfurt
Sehr ungewöhnlich. Einfach ‚reinschauen. // Very unusual. Just have a look.
DM Radcross Lorsch 2011 – U17
Ein 3 km Rundkurs mit allen Schwierigkeiten inclusive tiefem Matsch und Regenwetter.